Friday, July 25, 2008

5 easy ways to commit career suicide


Without warning, the rifle discharged, tearing a hole through the floorboard
of the car of an Army colonel. The rifle belonged to a young lieutenant who
had been invited to go hunting with the colonel.

Though no one was hurt, the incident left everyone in the car shaken. Worse,
the lieutenant hindered his own promotion, according to executive coach Bruce
Sillers, who was a member of that same battalion at the time of the incident.

You may never have committed as grave a faux pas as this lieutenant, and if
so, be thankful. Nonetheless, we're all capable of making mistakes that can
send us straight to the career doghouse. Here are five big no-nos to watch out

1. Sending inappropriate e-mail

Most of us are bright enough to realize that chain letters or off-color jokes
have no place in business communications. Where most office workers get into
trouble is with the over-hasty e-mail reply.

Ever read an e-mail too quickly and fired off an angry reply, only to discover
later that you had misinterpreted the first sender's message? You end up not
only wasting everyone's time, but poisoning your work relationships -- perhaps

Before you reply to an e-mail that has elevated your blood pressure, apply
one of these useful tests: Ask yourself, "Would I feel comfortable explaining
my response on a witness stand?" or "Would I want my response to be
published on the front page of The New York Times ?"

If the answer is no, take time to cool off. Store the message in a drafts folder
and review it later. Are you sure this is what you want to say, especially if
you're directly insulting the recipient? Can your words be interpreted more
negatively than you intended? And finally, would you want this message to find
its way to your boss -- or to the HR director?

By the way, don't rely on any "unsend" feature, either. That feature
will fail when you need it most. And be very careful of hitting Reply All --
or your supposedly personal conversation could be the talk of the office.

2. Putting down co-workers

Having done a significant amount of work for a particular client, I decided
one day to try to expand my presence there. I called an executive in another
part of that organization, introduced myself and said that "Carl"
(a fictitious name for the IT executive with whom I had been working) was pleased
with my work.

That executive responded, "Why should I care what Carl thinks?"

Not smart -- especially when said to someone outside the organization. If Carl
had heard about this remark -- and these things do get around -- it could have
created a

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